Embarazo e Infancia / Baby Steps Series


This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! • 7/16: Self-care During and After Pregnancy • 7/23: Breastfeeding • 7/30: Infant Oral Health • 8/6: Food Stages 0-12 months Esta serie de talleres


Financial Literacy Series • 財務知識系列講座


這個系列的主要目的是改善家庭的財務健康。 主題包括: 7月11日:大人和兒童的理財 7月18日:選擇並支付幼兒教育 7月25日:負擔得起的購房:探索低於市價的選項 8月1日:了解您的權利:消費者保護指南 8月8日:安全儲蓄和K2C (大學儲蓄) 8月15日:保持安全:防止電話和網路詐騙 This series will offer education to help families improve their financial well-being. Topics include: 7/11: Money Lessons for Adults and Children 7/18: Selecting and Paying for Early Childhood Education 7/25: Affordable Home Buying: Navigating Below Market Rate Options 8/1: Know Your Rights: A Guide to Consumer


Embarazo e Infancia / Baby Steps Series


This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! • 7/16: Self-care During and After Pregnancy • 7/23: Breastfeeding • 7/30: Infant Oral Health • 8/6: Food Stages 0-12 months Esta serie de talleres


Financial Literacy Series • 財務知識系列講座


這個系列的主要目的是改善家庭的財務健康。 主題包括: 7月11日:大人和兒童的理財 7月18日:選擇並支付幼兒教育 7月25日:負擔得起的購房:探索低於市價的選項 8月1日:了解您的權利:消費者保護指南 8月8日:安全儲蓄和K2C (大學儲蓄) 8月15日:保持安全:防止電話和網路詐騙 This series will offer education to help families improve their financial well-being. Topics include: 7/11: Money Lessons for Adults and Children 7/18: Selecting and Paying for Early Childhood Education 7/25: Affordable Home Buying: Navigating Below Market Rate Options 8/1: Know Your Rights: A Guide to Consumer


Financial Literacy Series • 財務知識系列講座


這個系列的主要目的是改善家庭的財務健康。 主題包括: 7月11日:大人和兒童的理財 7月18日:選擇並支付幼兒教育 7月25日:負擔得起的購房:探索低於市價的選項 8月1日:了解您的權利:消費者保護指南 8月8日:安全儲蓄和K2C (大學儲蓄) 8月15日:保持安全:防止電話和網路詐騙 This series will offer education to help families improve their financial well-being. Topics include: 7/11: Money Lessons for Adults and Children 7/18: Selecting and Paying for Early Childhood Education 7/25: Affordable Home Buying: Navigating Below Market Rate Options 8/1: Know Your Rights: A Guide to Consumer


Stress and Its Impact on the Body • El Estrés y su Impacto en el Cuerpo


En este taller, los participantes aprenderán sobre la definición de estrés y cómo afecta al cuerpo humano. Los presentadores ayudarán a los asistentes a identificar formas de manejar y reducir los niveles de estrés y cómo cuidar las relaciones importantes en momentos de mucho estrés. In this workshop, participants will learn about the definition of


工人的權利 • Worker’s Right


Join us for a workshop on understanding your worker’s rights. Learn how to identify and address workplace violations, and get practical guidance on filing complaints if you believe you’ve been treated unfairly. Empower yourself with the knowledge and resources to ensure a fair work environment. 加入我們,了解您的勞工權益。學習如何識別和應對職場違規行為,並了解你在受到了不公平時如何用投訴。讓我們用知識來充實自己,確保公平的工作環境。


Smart Meal Planning and Budgeting • 精明的膳食計劃和預算


Discover the art of meal planning for your family, including how to write effective shopping lists that save you money and time. Learn to choose the most nutritious foods within your budget and techniques to lower your food bill. This workshop will also cover how to use unit pricing to get the best value for


早期教育中的雙語發展 / Bilingual Development in Early Education


Join us for a workshop on Bilingual Development in Early Education. Learn about the benefits of bilingualism, strategies to support language development at home, and how it enhances cognitive and social growth. 加入我們的早期教育中的雙語發展工作坊。了解雙語教育的益處、在家支持語言發展的策略,以及如何促進認知和社交成長。

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