Event Series 1-2-3 Magic

1-2-3 Magia


a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method,” a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive for classes attended. una serie de talleres para ayudar a

Event Series Series de Educación Financiera

Series de Educación Financiera


Únase a nosotros en esta serie creada para mejorar la educación financiera y el bienestar de las familias. ¡Los temas incluyen declaraciones de impuestos, crédito para la construcción y más! Es necesario registrarse. Las sesiones del taller cubrirán: 3/28 Preparacion de impuestos 4/04 Establecer metas financieras 4/11 Presupuesto y ahorro 4/18 Bancos 101 4/25 Construcción


Event Series 1-2-3 Magic

1-2-3 Magia


a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method,” a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive for classes attended. una serie de talleres para ayudar a


Series de Educación Financiera


Únase a nosotros en esta serie creada para mejorar la educación financiera y el bienestar de las familias. ¡Los temas incluyen declaraciones de impuestos, crédito para la construcción y más! Es necesario registrarse. Las sesiones del taller cubrirán: 3/28 Preparacion de impuestos 4/04 Establecer metas financieras 4/11 Presupuesto y ahorro 4/18 Bancos 101 4/25 Construcción

Event Series 1-2-3 Magic

1-2-3 Magia


a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method,” a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive for classes attended. una serie de talleres para ayudar a


夏季實習計劃: Opportunities for All Workshop


來了解一下舊金山的 Opportunities for All (OFA) 計劃,這是一個在舊金山進行的夏季實習計劃,為13至24歲的舊金山青少年提供職業探索和發展機會。 Summer Internship: Opportunities for ALL (OFA): Learn about Opportunities for All (OFA), a summer internship program in San Francisco that offers career exploration and workshop development opportunities for youth ages 13-24.    

Event Series 1-2-3 Magic

1-2-3 Magia


a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method,” a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive for classes attended. una serie de talleres para ayudar a

Event Series 1-2-3 Magic

1-2-3 Magia


a workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method,” a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive for classes attended. una serie de talleres para ayudar a




了解三個「C」:溝通、一致性和合作。這些以證據為基礎的實踐將幫助您與孩子的老師建立關係。與老師合作確保您的孩子在學校、家庭和未來都能獲得成功所需的支持! Teacher/parent relationship Learn about the three C’s: Communication, Consistency, & Collaboration. These evidence-based practices will help you develop a relationship with your child’s teacher. Working with their teacher ensures your child has the support they need to be successful at school, at home, and in the future!





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