Plan Familiar de Emergencia • Emergency Family Plan Workshop


En este taller aprendaran a crear un plan de emergencia personalizado para que su familia esté informada y preparada en caso de que un ser querido sea detenido por ICE. También cubrirá sus derechos como inmigrantes y recursos disponibles en la comunidad. Será presentado por Mujeres Unidas y Activas. In this workshop, you will learn


培養孩子的自尊心 • Fostering Self-Esteem in Kids


培養孩子的自尊心 加入我們實用的講座,學習如何幫助0至5歲的孩子建立自信與韌性,我們也會提供一些適用於較大孩子的建議。學習簡單的策略來幫助孩子建立自尊心,並營造有助於他們正向成長的環境。 Fostering Self-Esteem in Kids Join us for a practical workshop to learn how to build confidence and resilience in children ages 0–5, with tips that apply to older children too. Learn simple strategies to support your child’s self-esteem and create a positive environment for their growth. Offered in English and Cantonese.


嬰兒學步系列 • Baby Steps Classes


嬰兒學步系列 這個講座系列將教導父母和照 顧者如何度過一個健康的懷孕 期, 照顾他们的婴儿和她们自 己。名額有限,需要提前註冊。 3/6 - 懷孕期間感到舒適 3/13 - 母乳餵養與嬰兒行為 3/20 - 鉛中毒及其預防方法 Baby Steps Series This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! 3/6 - Feeling Comfortable while Pregnant 3/13


嬰兒學步系列 • Baby Steps Classes


嬰兒學步系列 這個講座系列將教導父母和照 顧者如何度過一個健康的懷孕 期, 照顾他们的婴儿和她们自 己。名額有限,需要提前註冊。 3/6 - 懷孕期間感到舒適 3/13 - 母乳餵養與嬰兒行為 3/20 - 鉛中毒及其預防方法 Baby Steps Series This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! 3/6 - Feeling Comfortable while Pregnant 3/13


The Importance of Play


In this workshop, participants will learn that play is essential for a child's development and for learning life skills. Playing helps children build friendships and grow social-emotional skills. It also allows parents to see and appreciate the uniqueness of their children, and more.


嬰兒學步系列 • Baby Steps Classes


嬰兒學步系列 這個講座系列將教導父母和照 顧者如何度過一個健康的懷孕 期, 照顾他们的婴儿和她们自 己。名額有限,需要提前註冊。 3/6 - 懷孕期間感到舒適 3/13 - 母乳餵養與嬰兒行為 3/20 - 鉛中毒及其預防方法 Baby Steps Series This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! 3/6 - Feeling Comfortable while Pregnant 3/13


Oral Health • 口腔健康


In this workshop, you will learn about the importance of children's dental hygiene and how dental cavities happen. The presenters will also share ways to prevent cavities, including regular visits to the dentist, good oral hygiene practices, fluoride varnish, and dental sealants. 在本次講座中, 您將了解兒童牙齒衛生的重要性以及蛀牙是如何發生的。演講者還將分享預防蛀牙的方法,包括定期看牙醫、良好的口腔衛生習慣以及氟化物清漆和牙科密封劑


Cómo Establecer Límites • Setting Limits


En este taller, los participantes aprenderán que poner limites es importante porque hace que los niños se sientan seguros y protegidos. Además, en este taller se explorará el significado del comportamiento de los niños y cómo establecer límites de una manera tranquila y positiva. In this workshop, participants will learn that setting boundaries is important


Mindfulness Workshop


This workshop will teach mindfulness techniques and strategies that parents can use on themselves and with their children. We will explore the benefits of mindfulness and how to use it during stressful moments with your children.

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