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Plan Familiar de Emergencia • Emergency Family Plan Workshop


En este taller aprendaran a crear un plan de emergencia personalizado para que su familia esté informada y preparada en caso de que un ser querido sea detenido por ICE. También cubrirá sus derechos como inmigrantes y recursos disponibles en la comunidad. Será presentado por Mujeres Unidas y Activas. In this workshop, you will learn


Volunteer: Portola Lunar New Year Celebration

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

Volunteer with Family Connections at our Lunar New Year Celebration at our Portola Center! Help us set up and run activities, greet families and answer questions, provide snacks and drinks, and clean up after the event. Questions? Email to learn more. Thank you for supporting Family Connections!


Lunar New Year Celebration at Portola

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

Join Family Connections at our Portola Center for a Lunar New Year Celebration! This event is free and open to the public and will include: Lion dance Arts and crafts Raffle tickets available for purchase Games And more! Danza de león, juegos, rifa, manualidades, ¡y más! Trò chơi và thủ công, múa lân, bốc thăm

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