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這個系列的主要目的是改善家庭的財務健康。 主題包括:

  • 7月11日:大人和兒童的理財
  • 7月18日:選擇並支付幼兒教育
  • 7月25日:負擔得起的購房:探索低於市價的選項
  • 8月1日:了解您的權利:消費者保護指南
  • 8月8日:安全儲蓄和K2C (大學儲蓄)
  • 8月15日:保持安全:防止電話和網路詐騙

This series will offer education to help families improve their financial well-being. Topics include:

  • 7/11: Money Lessons for Adults and Children
  • 7/18: Selecting and Paying for Early Childhood Education
  • 7/25: Affordable Home Buying: Navigating Below Market Rate Options
  • 8/1: Know Your Rights: A Guide to Consumer Protection
  • 8/8: Safe Savings and Kindergarten to College
  • 8/15: Stay Safe: Preventing Phone and Online Scams

Please note: Our Program Calendar integration with Outlook is having issues. Please check back for updates

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