Volunteer with Family Connections
Family Connections Centers is a community-based organization, and volunteers help us to strengthen our services. We regularly utilize volunteers to help with food distributions, teach special programs and activities, staff community events, conduct community outreach, and provide classroom support.
We would love your support in making our programs possible!
If you would like to volunteer with Family Connections, please sign up for one of our next volunteer events! We host food pantry volunteer days every second and fourth Friday, and occasionally ask for volunteer support in gardening projects, afterschool programs, reading groups, and special events.

Other Ways to Support Our Work
Intern at Family Connections
We invite current students, recent graduates, and early professionals interested in early childhood education, health/nutrition, or family support to apply for an internship at our family resource centers. These internship placements include hands-on work, direct teaching/service, and mentorship from experienced leaders.
Join Our Board of Directors
As Family Connections Centers continues to grow, our Board of Directors offers the skills and knowledge to make this possible. We are currently seeking new members who share a passion for our mission and an interest in guiding this work. If you are interested in learning more about our board’s priorities and current openings, please complete the application below or contact communications@fccenters.org.