- No events scheduled for February 12, 2023.
中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (5016 Mission St)
Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (Portola)
Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San FranciscoGrupo de Apoyo • Spanish Support Group (Portola)
Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San FranciscoImpacto de la Violencia en las Familias / Impact of Violence on Families
Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San FranciscoWeek of Events
Spring Pre-K
Spring Pre-K
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Lupe, prek@fccenters.org, or visit: fccenters.org/prek A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización,
First Steps Playgroup
First Steps Playgroup
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Elsa, firststeps@fccenters.org Build healthy bonding and enjoy fun activities together, while learning about your child’s cognitive and emotional development. Activities include arts, movement, songs, and stories. For ages 6 - 36 months + parents/caregivers. Free to enroll! First Steps是適合孩子和家長一起學習的遊戲小組。 我們的老師將與您們一起歌曲、舞蹈、閲讀等活動。 免費報名。適合6-36個月的孩子 + 家長/監護人。 Primeros Pasos
問問醫生: 呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)和流感 / Ask A Doctor: RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) & Flu
問問醫生: 呼吸道合胞病毒(RSV)和流感 / Ask A Doctor: RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) & Flu
Learn how to identify, prepare and prevent RSV and the flu from Dr. Audrey Lung.
中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (5016 Mission St)
中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (5016 Mission St)
我們的中文支援小組每週都會討論問題、探索育兒方式和兒童發展的主題。 提供英文翻譯。 The Chinese Support Group is a weekly space for families to learn skills, ask questions, and grow together. Group activities include discussions on a range of parenting topics, arts and crafts, cooking projects, and more. 語言 / language: 粵語 / Cantonese 註冊 / to register: Gary, gyu@fccenters.org
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。 Homework Club es un programa despues de la escuela que apoya
Homework Club
Homework Club
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, hwclub@fccenters.org Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。
Spring Pre-K
Spring Pre-K
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Lupe, prek@fccenters.org, or visit: fccenters.org/prek A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización,
February Pop N’ Play
February Pop N’ Play
Pop N’ Play is a playgroup that incorporates movement, music, and literature into activities, creating a fun space for learning. Classes include visitors from librarians, dance teachers, and artists. For ages 2.5 - 4 years + parent/caregiver. Free to enroll. Pop N’ Play es un grupo de juego. Diviértase en familia a través de actividades
財務知識系列講座 / Financial Literacy Series
財務知識系列講座 / Financial Literacy Series
This series will support families in improving their financial well-being. Space is limited; registration is required. The workshop sessions will cover: 1/24: Paying for Childcare; 1/31: Tenant’s Rights; 2/7: Filing a Tax Return; 2/14: College Planning; 2/21: Medi-Cal; 2/28: Medicare 該系列嘅主要目的係改善家庭嘅財務狀況。 主題包括租戶權利,納稅申報表等。 需要註冊。 研討會主題包括: 1/24 - 支付託兒费用 ; 1/31 - 租戶權利 ; 2/7 - 提交納稅申報表
Homework Club
Homework Club
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, hwclub@fccenters.org Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。 Homework Club es un programa despues de la escuela que apoya
Spring Pre-K
Spring Pre-K
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Lupe, prek@fccenters.org, or visit: fccenters.org/prek A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización,
First Steps Playgroup
First Steps Playgroup
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Elsa, firststeps@fccenters.org Build healthy bonding and enjoy fun activities together, while learning about your child’s cognitive and emotional development. Activities include arts, movement, songs, and stories. For ages 6 - 36 months + parents/caregivers. Free to enroll! First Steps是適合孩子和家長一起學習的遊戲小組。 我們的老師將與您們一起歌曲、舞蹈、閲讀等活動。 免費報名。適合6-36個月的孩子 + 家長/監護人。 Primeros Pasos
中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (Portola)
中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (Portola)
我們的中文支援小組每週都會討論問題、探索育兒方式和兒童發展的主題。 提供英文翻譯。 The Chinese Support Group is a weekly space for families to learn skills, ask questions, and grow together. Group activities include discussions on a range of parenting topics, arts and crafts, cooking projects, and more. 語言 / language: 粵語 / Cantonese 註冊 / to register: Hazel, hkong@fccenters.org
Homework Club
Homework Club
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, hwclub@fccenters.org Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。
Diaper Bank
Diaper Bank
Through our partnership with Help a Mother Out, Family Connections provides diapers to CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal families with children under 2 years old. More Information 紙尿褲庫: Family Connections為有需要的家庭提供尿布,並且是符合條件的家庭的幫助母親尿布網站。更多信息 Bancos de Pañales: Family Connections tiene pañales disponibles para las familias que los necesitan, y es un sitio de pañales Help-A-Mother para familias elegibles. Más Información Ngân hàng tã
Spring Pre-K
Spring Pre-K
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Lupe, prek@fccenters.org, or visit: fccenters.org/prek A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización,
February Pop N’ Play
February Pop N’ Play
Pop N’ Play is a playgroup that incorporates movement, music, and literature into activities, creating a fun space for learning. Classes include visitors from librarians, dance teachers, and artists. For ages 2.5 - 4 years + parent/caregiver. Free to enroll. Pop N’ Play es un grupo de juego. Diviértase en familia a través de actividades
Serie de Educación Financiera / Financial Literacy Series
Serie de Educación Financiera / Financial Literacy Series
Esta serie ayudará a las familias a mejorar su bienestar financiero. Los temas incluirán presupuestos y ahorros, declaraciones de impuestos, derechos de inquilinos, y recursos relacionados con la carrera. El espacio es limitado; es necesario registrarse. This series will support families in improving their financial well-being. Topics will include budgeting and saving, tax returns and
Grupo de Apoyo • Spanish Support Group (Portola)
Grupo de Apoyo • Spanish Support Group (Portola)
Nuestros Grupos de Apoyo para hispanohablantes son oportunidades semanales para que las familias hagan preguntas, aprendan nuevos consejos para padres, y discutan temas sobre el desarrollo infantil. A weekly group for caregivers to connect with one another, gain support with issues and questions, and explore child development topics. Coordinators lead engaging activities, such as book
Homework Club
Homework Club
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, hwclub@fccenters.org Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。 Homework Club es un programa despues de la escuela que apoya
Spring Pre-K
Spring Pre-K
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Lupe, prek@fccenters.org, or visit: fccenters.org/prek A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización,
First Steps Playgroup
First Steps Playgroup
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Elsa, firststeps@fccenters.org Build healthy bonding and enjoy fun activities together, while learning about your child’s cognitive and emotional development. Activities include arts, movement, songs, and stories. For ages 6 - 36 months + parents/caregivers. Free to enroll! First Steps是適合孩子和家長一起學習的遊戲小組。 我們的老師將與您們一起歌曲、舞蹈、閲讀等活動。 免費報名。適合6-36個月的孩子 + 家長/監護人。 Primeros Pasos
Impacto de la Violencia en las Familias / Impact of Violence on Families
Impacto de la Violencia en las Familias / Impact of Violence on Families
Este taller se enfoca en el impacto de la violencia en las familias, el cerebro en desarrollo del niño y la experiencia de vida del niño. También aprenda cómo apoyar a las familias después de haber estado expuestas a la violencia. Idioma: Español Para registrarse: Kathia, kcastro@fccenters.org This workshop will be presented in Spanish.
Daytime Teatime
Daytime Teatime
A weekly space to enjoy tea, discuss concerns, engage in creative projects, and connect with other adults to share ideas and resources. Language: English Contact: Javier, jparedes@fccenters.org
Homework Club
Homework Club
Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, hwclub@fccenters.org Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。
Excelsior • Food Pantry Registration
Excelsior • Food Pantry Registration
Each month, we host two food distribution days for families to pick up free boxes of fresh produce and grocery items. Comida Gratis Para Su Familia: La inscripción se realiza en línea y está disponible para los primeros 100 inscritos. Hay que tener un hijo menor de 18 años para calificar. La inscripción de Excelsior
Homework Club
Homework Club
Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。 Homework Club es un programa despues de la escuela que apoya
Volunteer in the Portola Greenway
Volunteer in the Portola Greenway
Volunteers will support a range of projects in the Portola Greenway, including planting, weeding, watering, and tending to the landscaping. Plus, learn more about this exciting project in the Portola neighborhood and its future plans. Meet the Portola Garden Club chairs at the Burrows Pocket Park for sign-in and project instructions. Tools will be provided.