- Events
- Workshops
- No events scheduled for March 2, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 3, 2025.
- No events scheduled for March 4, 2025.
Cooking Matters • 烹飪的重要 • Cocinar Importa
Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San FranciscoLa Importancia de la Lectura – The Importance of Reading
Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco- No events scheduled for March 8, 2025.
Week of Events
Zumba Classes
Zumba Classes
Zumba is a cardio dance workout powered by Latin and World music. Designed for people of all body types and abilities, it's a supportive and welcoming class that makes exercise feel like a dance party. Free to attend! Exercise clothes, sneakers, and a water bottle are recommended. Zumba es una clase de baile cardiovascular con
Cooking Matters • 烹飪的重要 • Cocinar Importa
Cooking Matters • 烹飪的重要 • Cocinar Importa
3/5 - 4/2, 2025 烹飪的重要 Cooking Workshop是一個為期六週 的系列活動。活動包括烹飪練習、 與文化相符的營養討論和健康的 食品包。參與者將學習烹飪技巧, 討論營養話題,並一起準備餐點。 提供英語、西班牙語和粵語服務。 Cooking Matters: This 6-week series pairs hands-on cooking practices with culturally appropriate nutrition discussions and healthy grocery distributions. Participants will learn cooking skills, discuss nutrition topics, and prepare a meal together. Facilitated in English, Spanish, and Cantonese. Cocinar Importa: Esta serie de 6
嬰兒學步系列 • Baby Steps Classes
嬰兒學步系列 • Baby Steps Classes
嬰兒學步系列 這個講座系列將教導父母和照 顧者如何度過一個健康的懷孕 期, 照顾他们的婴儿和她们自 己。名額有限,需要提前註冊。 3/6 - 懷孕期間感到舒適 3/13 - 母乳餵養與嬰兒行為 3/20 - 鉛中毒及其預防方法 Baby Steps Series This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! 3/6 - Feeling Comfortable while Pregnant 3/13
La Importancia de la Lectura – The Importance of Reading
La Importancia de la Lectura – The Importance of Reading
En este taller, los participantesaprenderán sobre la importanciade la lectura en el desarrollo desus hijos. También aprenderánsobre los diferentes serviciosgratuitos que la Biblioteca Públicade San Francisco ofrece. In this workshop, participants will learn how reading impacts their children's healthy development. They will also learn about some of the free services offered by the San Francisco