7 events found.
- Events
- Workshops
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Week of Events
健康飲食工作坊 · Healthy Eating Workshop
健康飲食工作坊 · Healthy Eating Workshop
這個講座將幫助家長和照顧者了解均衡飲食對於孩子的重要性,理解常見的挑食行為及其原因,以及如何鼓勵健康的飲食習慣。我們還將討論何時有必要就孩子的飲食習慣諮詢他們的醫生。 This workshop will teach parents and caregivers the importance of a balanced diet for your child, how to understand common pick-eating behaviors and their causes, and how to encourage healthy eating habits. We will also discuss when it’s essential to consult your child’s doctor regarding their eating habits
Serie de Bebés y Embarazo · Baby Steps Series
Serie de Bebés y Embarazo · Baby Steps Series
Esta serie de talleres enseñará a los padres y cuidadores cómo tener un embarazo saludable y prácticas para cuidar de sus bebés y de ellos mismos. Este taller cubrirá: 8/31: Autocuidado posparto 9/7: Lidiar con el llanto infantil 9/14: Masaje para This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy