- Events
- Workshops
- No events scheduled for February 16, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 17, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 19, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 20, 2025.
- No events scheduled for February 22, 2025.
Week of Events
利用媒體促進語言和讀寫能力發展 • Using Media for Language & Literacy Development
利用媒體促進語言和讀寫能力發展 • Using Media for Language & Literacy Development
利用媒體促進語言和讀寫能力發展 探索實用的方法,利用視頻、應用程式和電子書,促進0至5歲及以上兒童的語言和讀寫能力發展。我們將分享如何選擇高質量的內容,並將媒體學習融入日常生活,同時結合活動,使學習既有趣又有效。 需要電腦參加這個講座嗎?我們可以提供!了解更多關於我們的科技使用計劃或聯繫我們。 Using Media for Language & Literacy Development Explore practical ways to use videos, apps, and e-books to develop language and literacy skills in children 0-5 and beyond. We will share how to choose high-quality content and incorporate media learning into daily routines alongside hands-on activities to keep learning enjoyable and effective. Need
Plan Familiar de Emergencia • Emergency Family Plan Workshop
Plan Familiar de Emergencia • Emergency Family Plan Workshop
En este taller aprendaran a crear un plan de emergencia personalizado para que su familia esté informada y preparada en caso de que un ser querido sea detenido por ICE. También cubrirá sus derechos como inmigrantes y recursos disponibles en la comunidad. Será presentado por Mujeres Unidas y Activas. In this workshop, you will learn