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Event Series 1-2-3 Magia

1-2-3 Magia

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

A workshop series to help parents/caregivers to encourage good behavior and strengthen relationships Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method,” a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive to attend the classes. Una serie de talleres para ayudar

Event Series 1-2-3 Magia

1-2-3 Magia

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

1-2-3 Magia: Clases para Padres/Cuidadores Aprenda sobre el “Método de Conteo 1, 2, 3”, una estrategia de crianza simple y efectiva para niños pequeños El objetivo de esta serie es disminuir el estrés y la depresión de los padres/cuidadores Los participantes recibirán un incentivo por las clases asistidas


心理健康 • Mental Health 101


心理健康:支持家人與自己 這個講座旨在減少有關心理健康的污名,介紹心理健康的基本知識,並為照顧者提供一個分享經驗和建立 聯繫的空間。 Mental Health 101: Supporting Your Family & Yourself The workshop aims to reduce the stigma surrounding mental health, introduce mental health fundamentals, and provide a space for caregivers to share experiences and build connections. In Cantonese and English.

Event Series Grupo de Apoyo • Visitacion Valley

Vis Valley • Spanish Support Group

Family Connections • Visitacion Valley 1099 Sunnydale Avenue, San Francisco

Nuestros Grupos de Apoyo para hispanohablantes son oportunidades semanales para que las familias hagan preguntas, aprendan nuevos consejos para padres, y discutan temas sobre el desarrollo infantil. A weekly group for caregivers to connect, gain support with issues and questions, and explore child development topics. Coordinators lead engaging activities, such as book discussions and craft

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