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電⼦遊戲與媒體使⽤教育 • Got-Game


在本次研討會中,我們將重點關注兒童和成人玩遊戲和使用屏幕的利弊、對身體的影響,以及減少過度使用屏幕的技巧。 In this workshop, we will focus on the pros and cons of gaming and screen use, the effects it has on the body, and tips on reducing excessive use of screens.

Event Series Portola • Food Registration

Portola • Food Pantry Registration

Each month, we host two food distribution days for families to pick up free boxes of fresh produce and grocery items. Comida Gratis Para Su Familia: La inscripción se realiza en línea y está disponible para los primeros 100 inscritos. Hay que tener un hijo menor de 18 años para calificar. La inscripción de Portola

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