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Event Series Daytime Teatime

Daytime Teatime

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

A weekly space to enjoy tea, discuss concerns, engage in creative projects, and connect with other adults to share ideas and resources. Language: English Contact: Javier,


教師和家長的關係 • Teacher-Parent Relationships

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

了解三個「C」:溝通、一致性和合作。這些以證據為基礎的實踐將幫助您與孩子的老師建立關係。與老師合作確保您的孩子在學校、家庭和未來都能獲得成功所需的支持! Learn about the three C’s: Communication, Consistency, & Collaboration. These evidence-based practices will help you develop a relationship with your child’s teacher. Working with their teacher ensures your child has the support they need to be successful at school, at home, and in the future!

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