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Event Series Chinese Support Group • Portola

中文支援小組 • Chinese Support Group (Portola)

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

我們的中文支援小組每週都會討論問題、探索育兒方式和兒童發展的主題。 提供英文翻譯。 The Chinese Support Group is a weekly space for families to learn skills, ask questions, and grow together. Group activities include discussions on a range of parenting topics, arts and crafts, cooking projects, and more. 語言 / language: 粵語 / Cantonese 註冊 / to register: Hazel,


Grupo de Apoyo • Spanish Support Group (Excelsior)

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco

Nuestros Grupos de Apoyo para hispanohablantes son oportunidades semanales para que las familias hagan preguntas, aprendan nuevos consejos para padres, y discutan temas sobre el desarrollo infantil. A weekly group for caregivers to connect with one another, gain support with issues and questions, and explore child development topics. Coordinators lead engaging activities, such as book

Event Series Diaper Bank

Diaper Bank

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco

Through our partnership with Help a Mother Out, Family Connections provides diapers to CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal families with children under 2 years old. More Information 紙尿褲庫: Family Connections為有需要的家庭提供尿布,並且是符合條件的家庭的幫助母親尿布網站。更多信息 Bancos de Pañales: Family Connections tiene pañales disponibles para las familias que los necesitan, y es un sitio de pañales Help-A-Mother para familias elegibles.  Más Información Ngân hàng tã


Family Sprouts Day

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

Join us in the Greenway for arts & crafts, gardening activities, games, and story time with SF Library’s Summer Strides! 家庭新芽日 藝術與手工藝 • 園藝活動 • 遊戲 • SF 圖書館的夏日大步 Día Familiar de los Brotes artes y manualidades • juegos actividades de jardinería • Summer Strides de la biblioteca de SF Ngày Mầm Non Gia Đình


嬰兒成才 • Baby Steps Series


這個講座系列將教導父母和照顧者如何度過一個健康的懷孕期, 照顾他们的婴儿和她们自己。名額有限,需要提前註冊。 • 包括懷孕的過程概述 (4/5) • 母乳哺育的資訊 (4/12) • 新手父母的自我護理 (4/19) • 母親的營養 (4/26) This workshop series will teach parents and caregivers how to have a healthy pregnancy and practices to care for their babies and themselves. Spaces are limited and registration is required! • 4/5: Pregnancy Overview • 4/12: Breastfeeding • 4/19: Self-care During

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