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Visitacion Valley: Friday Family Time

Family Connections • Visitacion Valley 1099 Sunnydale Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Friday Family Time: Welcome to Spring! Join us to celebrate the beginning of spring by doing art activities with your little ones. All activity materials and food will be provided! The event is free to attend. For 0-5 years plus a parent/caregiver. ~ Thời gian gia đình vào thứ Sáu: Chào mừng Mùa Xuân! Hãy

Event Series Friday Family Fun Night

Friday Family Fun Night: Women’s History Month

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

Noche de Diversión Familiar: Mes de la Historia de la Mujer ¡Únase a nosotros para celebrar a las increíbles atletas de todo el mundo! Celebraremos sus logros con manualidades, juegos y comida. Friday Family Fun Night: Women’s History Month Join us to celebrate amazing women athletes from all over the world! We’ll celebrate their achievements


Friday Family Fun Night: Week of the Young Child

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco, CA

Celebrating the Week of the Young Child! ~ ¡Únase a nosotros para una noche creando títeres y payasos, y disfrutando de una pizza juntos! ~ 請加入我們,共度一個晚上,一起製作木偶和小丑,並共享比薩! ~ Hãy tham gia cùng chúng tôi trong một buổi tối làm con rối và chú hề đồ chơi, và cùng thưởng thức pizza! ~ Join us for an


Portola Open House

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA, United States

Portola Center Open House Join us for an engaging and interactive open house to explore Family Connections’ services through presentations, hands-on activities, and creative arts and crafts. Ngày hội mở cửa: Portola Tham gia cùng chúng tôi trong ngày hội mở cửa hấp dẫn và tương tác để khám phá các dịch vụ của Family

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