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Spring Pre-K • 5016 Mission St

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco

A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización, y prepararse para el jardín de infantes. 我們獲認證的 Pre-K課程是一個以遊戲爲主的學前班準備計劃,專注於學生和老師之間的溝通技巧。課堂活動包括手工藝、科學、閲讀和數學。 Trường mầm non được cấp phép

Event Series 1-2-3 Magic (Cantonese)

1-2-3 Magic (Cantonese)

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco

學習“1打2打3計數法”——既簡單又有效的育兒策略 大 本系列的目標是減少父母壓力和抑鬱 大 參加者完成課程後將獲得獎勵 大 Learn about the “1,2,3 Counting Method” - a simple and effective parenting strategy for young children. The goal of this series is to decrease parental stress and depression. Participants will receive an incentive for classes attended.

Event Series Diaper Bank

Diaper Bank

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco

Through our partnership with Help a Mother Out, Family Connections provides diapers to CalWORKs, CalFresh, and Medi-Cal families with children under 2 years old. More Information 紙尿褲庫: Family Connections為有需要的家庭提供尿布,並且是符合條件的家庭的幫助母親尿布網站。更多信息 Bancos de Pañales: Family Connections tiene pañales disponibles para las familias que los necesitan, y es un sitio de pañales Help-A-Mother para familias elegibles.  Más Información Ngân hàng tã

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