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Event Series Spring Pre-K

Spring Pre-K

Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Lupe,, or visit: A play-based program that prepares children for kindergarten, with lessons in math, literacy, arts, science, and enrichment activities. Pre-K es un programa de juego que apoya a los niños a expresar su creatividad, desarrollar sus habilidades socioemocionales, matemáticas y alfabetización,

Event Series Pop N’ Play

January Pop N’ Play

Family Connections • Excelsior 5016 Mission Street, San Francisco

Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, Pop N’ Play is a playgroup that incorporates movement, music, and literature into activities, creating a fun space for learning. Classes include visitors from librarians, dance teachers, and artists. For ages 2.5 - 4 years + parent/caregiver. Free to enroll. Pop N’ Play


入籍和公民身份程序 / Naturalization & Citizenship Workshop


入籍是移民成為美國公民的法律程序。在本次研討會中,我們將解釋公民身份的好處,申请要求和申請流程。涵蓋的主題包括有關英語和公民考試的豁免、費用減免和申請时应该避免的错误。 In this workshop, we will explain the benefits, requirements, and application process of becoming a US citizen. Topics covered include details about English and civics test exemptions, fee waivers, and application red flags.

Event Series Homework Club

Homework Club

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

Para registrarse / to register / Câu hỏi / 註冊: Kristina, Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。

Event Series Homework Club

Homework Club

Family Connections • Portola 2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

Homework Club is an afterschool program that supports children’s academics and literacy. Children receive healthy snacks and have access to fun enrichment activities. After homework, there are arts and crafts, cooking workshops, games, and trips to the park and neighborhood gardens. HW Club 是一個課後計劃,注重於學術及讀寫能力。當作業完成後,孩子們可以參加豐富的活動:包括手工藝、烹飪工作坊、遊戲、電腦以及去公園和社區花園。 Homework Club es un programa despues de la escuela que apoya

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