Parents/Caregivers Take the Lead
Sensory Activities, Cultural Fashion Shows, and Shared Learning
Family Connections works closely with our program participants to design activities that are meaningful for them and provide opportunities for parents/caregivers to develop their leadership skills. The Parent Action Grant (through First 5) funds our series of programs that are designed by and for our families.
Our Family Support Team and parent leaders have planned six events, three at each of our centers, that celebrate families’ cultural heritage and encourage sensory exploration for children.
The first events took place in April. Excelsior families celebrated in Balboa Park with a day of games, a park scavenger hunt, and a shared picnic. Portola families designed sensory activities for kids to get their hands messy and create together. Children made colorful slime, built volcanoes that erupted in our garden, and learned about color palettes while painting wooden crafts.
Excelsior’s second event featured a homemade lunch, while children painted birdhouses and created crystalized alphabet letters. The families got to take home exciting projects that were focused on tactile learning.
And at Portola, we laid down the red carpet for families to walk the runway. Children and adults dressed in clothing that showcased their cultural heritage and created musical instruments together. The day was a wonderful opportunity for families to learn more about one another’s cultural identities.
The parent/caregiver leaders gained experience in event planning and teaching while deepening their connections and sharing culture with other families. The final events take place on June 10 and June 23, when the Portola and Excelsior families will take a field trip to the Aquarium of the Bay together and explore the deep seas.