We own two centers, located in the Portola (2565 San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco) and Excelsior (5016 Mission Street, San Francisco), and provide programs at a third center in Visitacion Valley (1099 Sunnydale Avenue, San Francisco). You are very welcome to attend education and events at any of our locations, as well as any of the groups and workshops offered virtually via Zoom.

Our Portola, Visitacion Valley, and Excelsior centers are open Monday – Friday, 9 am – 5 pm.

With staff members fluent in Cantonese, Vietnamese, Spanish, English, and Tagalog, we offer programming in various languages. You can give us a call and we are happy to connect you with a staff member that speaks your language. Our Program Calendar includes detailed information about the languages of our support groups, workshops, and classes.

All of our Family Support Programs, including workshops and parental classes, are offered free of charge to families. We provide tuition assistance and reduced rates for our afterschool and Pre-K programs. For detailed program costs, please contact us at info@fccenters.org or call 415.715.6746.

Our mission is to make crucial resources and high-quality education accessible to families. We provide reduced-rate and free programs to families in need. Please contact us at info@fccenters.org or call 415.715.6746 to learn more.

Yes, all members of your family are welcome to join us in our family programs. Many of our participants are grandparents and our services and education are designed with multiple generations in mind. If you are curious about specific program activities, please feel free to reach out to us by phone or email and we can connect you with the program lead.

You can sign up here to receive our newsletter, which includes organizational highlights, fun looks inside our programs and events, and announcements of upcoming events.

To receive text updates from Family Connections Centers, please email communications@fccenters.org.

Our Pre-K programs are offered for children ages 3-5. We require that all children are fully potty-trained before enrolling with us.

Family Connections Centers operates licensed childcare centers. All teachers and administrative staff are credentialed in adherence to the guidelines and protocols of community care licensing. This includes education units, degrees, certification (i.e., CPR, First Aid, Pesticides, etc.), professional development training, background checks, and more.

Although our K-5 programs do not offer pick-up or drop-off from homes, our teachers offer after-school pick-up from E. R. Taylor Elementary School following SFUSD dismissals on Monday-Friday. After meeting the children enrolled in Homework Club at the school, they bring them back to our center for the program activities.

Yes! Our Family Support team offers individualized support to ensure that families are connected with the basic items and services to help them lead healthy, supported lives. We often host community days to provide PPE, diapers, baby formula, and books free of charge. Our case managers can connect families with rental assistance programs and support in finding employment. Our bi-monthly grocery giveaway is offered to families enrolled in the grocery program. To learn more and access these services, please contact us at family_support@fccenters.org.

Our case managers are dedicated to supporting our families and providing accessible, quality support. If you or your family is unable to meet in person or virtually, please call us at 415.715.6746 and we can make a plan that works for you.

Although we currently do not offer educational programs for middle and high school students, our community events are open to all ages. Additionally, our Family Support team is able to connect parents/caregivers with resources and programs targeted for this age group. Please connect with Family Support if you are looking for program suggestions for children in grades 6-12.

Data is held in our private, secure database and is only accessible to select authorized staff. All staff sign confidential clauses and cannot release children or families’ information without approval. Some program intakes and attendance data are shared with government funders in their secure database.

Yes! Our Family Support Team works closely with teachers, administrators, counselors, and social workers at San Francisco United School District to connect families with information on schools and enrollment. We offer support in translating information and provide regular workshops on school enrollment in San Francisco. Please see our Program Calendar for upcoming workshops and reach out to Family Support to get connected with our staff and find answers to your enrollment questions.

In 2020, Family Connections began offering virtual programs to safely meet with families and make attendance more accessible. Families who are unable to visit our centers for classes and services can find programs that have virtual or hybrid options. For detailed information about attending via Zoom, please visit our Program Calendar.

If you live outside of our area and would like to access in-person services, we work closely with other family resource centers in San Francisco. You can find a list of nearby family resource centers here.