With Your Support, We Can Transform this Space!

Dear Friends of Family Connections,

Family Connections’ staff recently gathered for our annual retreat, and I had the chance to reflect on all that our organization has done in 2021 to serve children and families.

Although the pandemic’s impact and challenges have continued, I am amazed by the accomplishments our staff, board, and families have achieved together.

And we have a wonderful new opportunity that I am excited to share with you. Recently, Family Connections began work with local partners to transform the space behind our Portola building into a dynamic, multi-purpose outdoor space.

This area, which we’re lovingly referring to as “Green Connections,” will allow Family Connections to offer classes, play breaks, workshops, support groups, and more in a beautiful, outdoor space. Furthermore, having an outdoor area means that our staff and families will be able to gather more safely and reduce the spread of the coronavirus.

In the coming days, you’ll have the chance to read diverse perspectives that highlight our wide range of programs and how this new space will deepen their impact. Our staff, children, and caregivers have shared why the proposed “Green Connections” will be meaningful. I hope that you’ll consider supporting this exciting new project.

By investing in Family Connections and this new outdoor space, you are supporting generations of children and families that will be able to learn and flourish together.

With gratitude,


Yensing Sihapanya

Executive Director